Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Some Satoshi Kon lovin'

I recently saw the Japanese animator and film director's Paprika, and I really, really liked it. I didn't love it - but it was good, and the animation was some of the best 2-D animation I'd ever seen.

Just watched an older film of his, Millenium Actress, today.

Um, I LOVED that.

In fact, by the end of the film, I had been reduced to a small, pathetic, blubbering puddle of goo.
asdfjkl;Satoshi Kon. I can't believe that he's gone now, and that we won't be getting any more of these amazing works of art. :(


Probably unawares, Kon was basically presenting C. S. Lewis' theories on Sehnsucht in this film...

"After all, it's the chasing after him I really love..."

Go. Watch. Now.