Naturally, I'm talking about something written by the great Alice Von Hildebrand. Her essay "On True Love", which was released last August, can be found here.
What I love best about this essay is that Hildebrand doesn't simply write off the feeling of "being in love" as dangerous, misleading, or even transient. Rather, she displays a firm advocacy for the human heart, and points out that emotion at its purest and noblest is strong enough to lead us to do what's right - what's responsible - what makes sense. "The heart is not only on fire, but this fire has a melting effect." Oh, what sweet news for all of us romantics!!
I guess it just goes to show that Romance and Reason really are compatible! After all, C. S. Lewis - with his elaborate theories on Sehnsucht and Longing - greatly respected G. K. Chesterton, the ultimate "apostle of common sense". The two are kind of like cheese and apples - they're surprisingly yummy together, yes?
Is CS Lewis the apples and Chesterton the cheese? Chesterton probably ate a lot more cheese than apples :-P
ReplyDeleteYou've read the Abolition of Man by Lewis, right?
This is Lili BTW, not a mysterious creeper.
ReplyDeleteI never would have guessed it was you.
You win, epically. :D :D
I was trying to figure out if you were a girl or a guy, and I was totally stalking your blogger profile...and I was like AWWWW he/she doesn't have any info!!