Monday, October 7, 2013

post-grad bumblings

In between cleaning, taking care of cute little chilluns, teaching a quickly-growing studio of private voice and dance students, and grading essays for AP English classes, I've been keeping pretty busy these days.  However, it has been on my agenda for a while to get back into regular blogging... so here is a quick list of random various things.

- I've been trying to get a lot more reading done.  right now: in the midst of That Hideous Strength.  the action is finally picking up, and I'm loving it.  I'm intrigued to find out whether this will become my favorite of Lewis' trilogy (as it is for several people I know)!

- this is very much slow on the uptake, but I'm kind of excited for the premiere of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland!  Why does it look so much better than Once Upon a Time...?  Perhaps it's the neverending allure of magic + Victorian England...

- And speaking of new series, Emma Approved starts today!  Lizzie Bennet Diaries was a lot of fun, so I'm looking forward to this.

- also, speaking of Victorian England, I'm in the process of trying to piece together a Victorian schoolgirl-esque costume for All Hallows' Eve.  I'm going as, shall we say, a certain entity... :)

- if all goes well, I'll be visiting the Cloisters in NYC over Thanksgiving with my wonderful boyfriend!  anyone who knows how much I love the Unicorn Tapestries can imagine all of the feelings I am feeling at this time. :)

- some friends recently introduced me to the magical Japanese-American artist Kishi Bashi, and I'm in love!  check him out:

I woke this morning to 52-degree weather, for which I am abundantly grateful after the sweltering weekend.  it's beginning to feel like proper fall! 'tis the time to revel in hot tea and bonfires and warm apple pie!  till next time, dear friends!  God bless!

image credit:


  1. Glad you're enjoying That Hideous Strength :D

    I will have to look more into this Kishi Bashi fellow...

    And have fun at the Cloisters... it's one of the most magical places one can go to with one's significant other!

  2. KISHI BASHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
